Nicole Molina
Industry: Coaching (Mi Tribu Berlin)
Current place of residence: Berlin
Country of origin: Born in Berlin (daughter of a Yugoslavian guest worker)
Founding year: 2018
Nicole, what exactly do you offer?
As a facilitator of intercultural communication, I create spaces where people can unfold their potential, develop relevant skills, and build strong interpersonal relationships. In individual and group coaching sessions, I support international professionals and entrepreneurs to communicate confidently and successfully in German-speaking contexts. My approach combines language and intercultural skills with personal development to overcome language barriers, avoid misunderstandings and maximize strengths. I also offer interactive workshops and process facilitation for multicultural teams and organizations to help them work together more effectively and leverage the potential of diversity.
Why did you start your own business?
Initially, my motivation was to have the greatest possible flexibility in terms of working hours and scope in order to take care of my young children. Over time, however, I have come to realize that it is the entrepreneurial freedom that allows me to develop, test, and continually refine my own methodological approach.
What was the biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
The biggest challenge was definitely the pandemic! I suddenly had to change my coaching concept, which I was convinced would only work in a face-to-face format, to digital. I was also only able to work in the evenings after my husband had returned from work and I had finished my home office/daycare/school day. During this time I learned a lot about the difference between beliefs and facts. My coaching concept translated perfectly into an online format, which suddenly gave me the opportunity to attract clients from all over the world and even increase my sales. And I realized that even after a full day of childcare, I could still find energy to work – because I had created an activity that gave me so much joy and meaning that it gave me energy back.
How has starting your own business changed your life?
Entrepreneurship has changed my life in many ways. I got to know myself better because I was able to continually expand my comfort zone. Personally and professionally, I have grown much faster than before – although not without the occasional growing pains. I am incredibly grateful that I have been able to – and continue to – shape my business in a way that allows me to create and experience true effectiveness both internally and externally.
What would you recommend to other female founders?
My number one tip for other female founders: Build your own circle of close female founders! Nothing has helped me more in challenging moments than exchanging ideas with my female founder friends – they understand me and my issues so much better than my “employee environment” and give me the most valuable food for thought and practical tips.
Which quote motivates you most and why?
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” I find this quote by Henry Ford especially valuable in times when my limiting beliefs take up a lot of space again. I have experienced countless times how powerful our thoughts are.
Where can we find out more about you?
Dear Nicole, thank you very much for this exciting interview. We wish you continued success!